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I haven't booked an FC yet. |
Three days ago I set out from New Bark Town, following the very same route junior trainers the world over have taken when commencing their own Gym Challenges. Starting with a hand-reared Cyndaquil from my own stock, I quickly assembled and trained up a winning combination of local pokemon - pokemon we can welcome into our breeding stock as well. I must admit, a part of our success has been in luck - finding the very best specimens without too much wasted time.
It's been four days since I began that journey, and I spent most of that day slacking off. The second day was possibly the most exciting - it was the day in which I beat both Faulkner and Bugsy. So far, only Whitney has posed any serious challenge - as you can tell from the trainer card, the Normal Type is a chink in the armour I just don't have the knife to hit.
Still, we journey on, pressing to the north, and back to Ecruteak, where Morty awaits. While there, I hope to take advantage of having been home to announce a special contest.
The following are a list of particularly-valued pokemon. The first person to source me three or more is going to receive a specially-bred, Flame Weel Rattata I had originally intended just for me, until my Kangaskhan came along.
Pokemon We're Particularly Excited to See
- Mankey
- Growlithe
- Omanyte
- Spinarak
- Gligar
- Mantine
- Phanpy
- Donphan
- Sableye
- Baltoy
- Anorith
Pokemon We Have Available as Stock
*Indicates Male Pokemon who must be ditto-cloned. Please inquire for more information.
- Hoppip*
- Hoothoot*
- Mareep
- Wooper
- Kangaskhan
- Cyndaquil*
- Stantler
- Drowzee*
- Weedle*
- Onix*
- Sudowoodo*
- Geodude*
- Zubat*
- Pidgey
- Sentret*
- Ekans*
- Rattata
- Nidoran (Female Line Only)
- Bellsprout
- Sunkern
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